
Here you have 4 different exercises to practise your speaking skills. If you want, you can record your voice and send it to muntiblocpromocio2009@gmail.com

I will listen to your audios during the holidays and we will comment them in September!

Exercise 1: Compare the following pictures, like in the example. How many differences can you find? 

"In the first picture there is a lion playing football, but in the second picture..."

Exercise 2: Describe the person in the following picture, like in the example.  

wear = portar una peça de roba

a) What is he wearing? (què porta posat?) He is wearing a green cap. He is wearing... 

b) Physical description: is he short/tall? How are his eyes, nose, mouth, etc.? He is... His eyes are... He has got...

c) Others: is he happy/sad? What is he doing? He is...

Exercise 3: Complete the dialogue.  

Exercise 4: Explain what people do in each picture. You can look at the Present Simple table for help.

For example: 

1."He goes to the cinema"
2. They...   

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